How To Share Your Location With Friends and Family on iPhone-2022 Guide

How To Share Your Location With Friends and Family on iPhone-2022 Guide

Modern technology has turned our life upside down, making sharing and tracking location be a realm of common daily life. Whether you are managing to encourage someone to share location with you or track someone’s location, you can do it with ease with iPhone. If you are looking for ways to share location with friends and family, you have come to the right place. This post will list several methods to help you share location on iPhone.

Share location on Find My

Find My is all-in-one stop tool to manage iPhone for Apple users, which can help you locate and find Apple devices with its features. Developed Find My is making it definitively easy for you to share location with your friends and family. Four steps can realize location sharing with your loved ones:

  1. Enter Find My and choose ”People” at the lower left corner
  2. Click the add button and tab “Share My Location”
  3. Add a contact either from the list of people that pops down, or simple type the person you want to share location with and add him/her
  4. Tap “Send” and choose the time duration

Please note that:

  1. You can choose to share your location for one hour, until the end of a day or indefinitely.
  2. With an activated location sharing service, you will be able to seek help from your family member on Find My when your device is lost
  3. Location sharing is not allowed in some regions due to the local legitimacy. Before starting using it, please consult thoroughly local law.

With the above four steps, you can surely share your location with your friends and family on Find My without any difficulty.

Share your location with Apple Message on iPhone

Apart from Find My, you can also share your location with iMessage with your family and friends. If you want to share your current location, just follow the below steps:

  1. Open the Message app and choose the conversation with the person you want to share location with (If it is the first time you text with him/her, you can just type his/her name directly)
  2. Tap the person and choose “Send My Current Location”, then you can share your location with your target

Sharing real-time location is also available to you via Apple Message. Here is the step-by-step instruction:

  1. Click into the Message app and go to a conversation thread, hitting the name of the person and clicking into the person
  2. Choose “Share My Real-time Location” (You can choose to share your location for one hour, share until the end of the day or share permanently until you disenable your location sharing)
  3. Open the Messages app and go to a chat thread and hit the name of the person at the top.

Not only can Apple Message serve as the communication bridge for you and your friends and family, but also it can help you realize your location sharing. More functions are waiting for you to explore.

Share your location with your contact on iPhone

Apple enables you to share your location with your contact on iPhone as well. Follow the below steps and you can share your location with your contacts:

  1. Enter Contact app on your iPhone, choose the contact you plan to share location with
  2. Tab “Share My Location” and select how long your location sharing will be enabled. (Note: If you want to stop sharing your location, go back to the contact and click in ” Stop Sharing My Location”

The above two steps allow you to share your location with your friends and family within a few minutes, enjoying your carefree location sharing experience

Share your location via Apple Maps

Apple Maps can be a navigator for you when you head to your destination through planning your best route and estimated arrival time. Actually, Apple Maps can also act as a location sharing tool. Here is what you can do with Apple Maps if you want to share your location with your friends and family:

  1. Enter Apple Maps app and tap the icon that indicated your location, hitting Share in the menu (Or you can stroll down and choose” Share My Location”)
  2. Choose the desired app you want to share or the person you want to share your location with

Before you share your location via Apple Maps, you should make sure that you have activated your location service, which enables your device to track your current location

Share your location with the help of Google Maps

Google Maps can provide you with real-time location sharing both on iOS and Android. Supported by Google Maps, you can share your location with friends and family by following the steps:

  1. Click in the Google Maps on your iPhone and tap the blue dot the stands for your location
  2. Choose “Share My Location” in the menu (Or you can tap your profile and choose “Location Sharing”
  3. Decide how long you want to share your location and choose the person you want to share your location with

Bonus Tips: Share your location through your cell phone number

Advanced GPS positioning technology also offers more alternatives to you for your location sharing with your friends and family. Cell phone locator can be one of the options. Cell phone locator is identified as a tool of locating and tracking your real-time whereabouts via a cell phone number. By rendering you with web version, cell phone locator can guarantee location service for you. Some normal features you can explore from cell phone locators:

  1. Global location tracking without limitation of time and space
  2. Compatibility of mobile brands
  3. No installation required

Several common steps for you to use a cell phone locator:

  1. Set up your own account with your own email
  2. Type the cell phone number of your target and the cell phone number that you receive geolocation information
  3. Receive a location information on your phone

Final thoughts:

To sum up, there are many ways for you to share your location on iPhone with your friends and family. If you find the post useful for you, just save the write-up and get ready to share location with your loved on in several easy steps!