How To Track Someone’s Phone Within Seconds?

How To Track Someone’s Phone Within Seconds?

The GPS location service on our mobile phones has been exerting a positive influence on our daily life. It can be our navigator who helps us find our way. It can be a presenter of local historical places when we are in a new city. In addition, GPS location service enables us to track someone’s phone, thus relieving the tension of disability of finding our loved ones. Or sometimes, we can find out the location of a criminal when we receive a scam call. In this way, we can prevent more people from being trapped in the tricks. As a matter of fact, there are multiple ways for us to find someone through his/her phone location. Today, we will give you a quick guideline, telling you how to track someone’s phone within seconds.

Is it legal for us to track someone’s phone?

Although it can’t be much easier for us to track a cell phone along with the wide application of GPS positioning technology, we are obliged to track someone legally. The truth is that we will be able to track someone’s phone under the protection of legislation:

  1. You are tracking someone in a region where tracking is legal.
  2. You have ownership of the device.
  3. It can be legal for you to track your underage kids.
  4. It is acceptable for you to track your phone for personal reasons.
  5. You need to get prior approval from the target.  (the person you want to track)

If you have more doubts, you can ask for the advice of your lawyer who can give you a detailed explanation.

How to track someone’s phone within seconds?

We will list some proven ways to help you locate a cell phone effortlessly, effectively, and safely. Here we go.

Way 1: Default phone locators

All modern phones come with their own native phone locators, which can be used for locating phones. For instance, Android has launched Find My Device to locate an Andriod, while iOS has to Find My iPhone for location tracking. Therefore, we are good to track someone’s phone via a default phone locator. The common steps can be:

  1. Enter the native phone locator
  2. Key in the account information of your target (Google account for Andriod users and Apple credentials for Apple users)
  3. Select the cell phone you want to track, you can access the location information

It can definitely be a great way for you if you want to track someone’s phone for free. However, default phone locators will phone their own sets of pros and cons, and we should take them into account.


  1. They are free and easy to use.
  2. You can choose either the online version or the app version.


  1. The locators will just give a rough location rather than a live one. (It means that you can’t track a cell phone in a moving status)
  2. You need to know the password of your target.
  3. It fails to track where they have been easier.
  4. The locator will just operate on a specific operating system

Way 2: Google Maps

Google Maps is a versatile app that can provide us with various location options. Surely, it can help us locate the location of a cell phone. You can be free from tedious steps of location tracking for Google Maps can help you locate a cell phone in just three steps:

  1. Enter your Google Maps on an iPhone or Android.
  2. Click on personal profile at the right top corner of your screen and then tap on” Location Sharing”.
  3. You can view a list of everyone who is sharing his/her location at the bottom of the screen. Click on the location icon and you will locate a cell phone immediately.

Another way for you to track a cell phone of a specific person on Google Maps:

  1. Start your Google Maps on a cell phone.
  2. Click on the account avatar icon at the right top corner of your cell phone and then choose “Location Sharing”.
  3. Choose the contact you want to share your location with and select how long you want to share-or until you turn off location sharing.
  4. Tap “Share”.

As your target approves of your sharing, you can track phone location in real time. More you need to know about this way:


  1. Free and easy to use
  2. Workable on both Android and iOS
  3. You can choose to track phone location online or in an app


  1. Your target will receive a notification when you are tracking their phone. It means that you can track someone’s phone anonymously.
  2. No customer support

Way 3: Online GPS phone tracker

Online GPS phone trackers are receiving more and more warm embraces from the public for the convenience of phone tracking. An online GPS phone tracker enables you to track phone location by phone number. The advanced GPS technology and network connection are making phone tracking more accurate and instant. The universal procedure for us to use an online GPS phone tracker like Viespy can include:

  1. Type in the phone number you want to track
  2. Enter the phone number you want to receive the geolocation information
  3. Receive and click into the link, then the satellite view can be accessible to you immediately

Online GPS phone number tracker can boast a couple of positives including:

  1. Easy and quick for you to track. A phone number is all you need and you are good to track someone’s phone within seconds.
  2. No need for app installation. The online trackers allow you to track phone location on the Internet without app installation.
  3. Real-time and accurate location tracking on a global scale.
  4. Anonymous phone tracking. No one will detect your phone tracking, and the trackers won’t store your private information.
  5. Great flexibility and workability of different operating systems, carriers, mobile brands, and models.
  6. Path to the guidance from experts for 24 hours. If you encounter some problems while using the tracker, you can feel free to ask for a problem resolution.

The sole potential drawback might lie in that you might pay for the activated service. However, as it can help us relieve unease via tracking someone’s phone, it can be a worthwhile deal.

Final thoughts:

There are many scenarios where we want to track someone’s phone. As parents, we want to know the current whereabouts of kids for peace of mind. When we are in a relationship, we want to ensure the loyalty of our partner. The modern world indeed generates amazing tools for us to realize what we want. If you want to know more about phone trackers, just follow our blog and leave your comments.